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MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips

MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips

سعر عادي $33.85
سعر عادي سعر البيع $33.85
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Unlike the cheap oxalic acid strips available on the market, APIBUZZ's MELOXAL strips contain 7 grams of oxalic acid per strip. Each box weighs approximately 800 grams (including the box). This sufficient amount of oxalic acid makes the treatment for bee mites more effective.

  • Safe for Honey Production: MELOXAL strips can be used for bee mite treatment during honey flow periods by leaving honey supers on.
  • Organic Solution: Made from oxalic acid, a near-natural treatment option to maintain the health of your bees.
  • High-Dose Oxalic Acid: Each MELOXAL strip contains a potent 7 grams of oxalic acid for effective varroa mite treatment in bee colonies.
  • Effective Across Temperatures: MELOXAL strips are resilient to high and low temperature fluctuations.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Designed with a slow-release technique, MELOXAL strips offer extended varroa mite control, reducing the need for frequent treatments.
  • Easy to Use: A simple application process makes these varroa mite strips convenient for both novice and experienced beekeepers.


【Generic Name】Oxalic Acid Sustained-Release Strip

Proprietary Name】Meloxal 

Active Ingredient】Oxalic Acid

Description】This product is a composite fiber strip.

Pharmacological Action】Oxalic Acid Dihydrate is a contact miticide that kills bee mites upon physical contact with them.

Drug Interactions】Do not use in conjunction with pesticides and alkaline drugs to avoid ineffectiveness.

Action and Purpose】Used for preventing and controlling bee mites (Varroa mite & Tropilaelaps mite).

Dosage and Administration】

1. Meloxal strips can be used year-round and are not affected by temperature; however, it is best to used in summer or autumn. Since oxalic acid slow-release strips work through contact, they are most effective when the external temperature is above 15°C and bees are active in the hive. It is recommended to avoid administrating the strips during peak honey flow periods, but they can be used if varroa mite infestation is severe.

2. For a standard colony (10 frames of bees), use 4 strips, with 1 strip for every 2.5 frames of bees. Fold the strips and place them in the middle of the brood frames, specifically between frames 2, 4, 6, and 8. Each application can maintain efficacy for 6-8 weeks. Remove the strips after use.












3. Before applying to the entire apiary, select 2 to 3 colonies for a trial, and observe for 24 to 48 hours to determine the specific dosage regimen. It is best to conduct the trial on a clear morning for easy observation of the colony's condition and adjust the dosage accordingly based on the trial results.

Adverse Reactions】This product has no significant adverse reactions on healthy bee colonies.


1. Do not use this product when the bee colony is in abnormal conditions such as sugar deficiency, bee colony relocation, initial colony establishment, or other abnormal situations.

2. The strips should not be continuously placed in the hive for more than 8 weeks.

3. Wear protective gloves and a mask; do not smoke, eat, or drink; wash hands after applying the strips.

4. Do not store together with pesticides or other chemicals.

5. Store in a place away from food and out of reach of children; open the packaging before use.       

Withdrawal Period】None

Content Specification】7 grams/strip       

Storage Method】Store in an environment below 30°C. Do not refrigerate or freeze.                          

Shelf Life】2 years

Packaging Specification】20 strips per packet.

MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
MELOXAL High-Dose Oxalic Acid Bee Mite Treatment Strips
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Organic Varroa treatment

علاج الفاروا العضوي

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تسوق الآن
Varroa mite strips

شرائط عث الفاروا

أصبحت تربية النحل سهلة باستخدام شرائح الفاروا - قل وداعًا لعث النحل! انطلق نحو النجاح في تربية النحل مع شرائط الفاروا - اطرد عث النحل المزعج إلى حافة الرصيف!

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Tools for Varroa Management

أدوات لعلاج الفاروا

استخدم أدوات لإدارة أدوية الفاروا أو مراقبة عث الفاروا. لا تدع عث الفاروا يزعجك - أدوات المراقبة لدينا ستوفر لك التغطية!

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